Can I return a product?

Every item on this store is printed on demand, therefore the consumer cannot exercise the right of returns within 14 days.

Therefore we ask that before  you make an order, please read size on each product page very carefully and make sure you order the correct size. At this moment, we are unable to offer free delivery, nor do we encourage unnessesary use of transportation. We will return the item if there is a clear production fault  of the item. 

However, we do not wish for unhappy customers in our cat crew! So if you aren't happy with your product, please get in touch with us at and we'll see how we can help.


Information on the consumer's right of withdrawal
In application of Article VI.53, 3° of the Belgian Code of Economic Law, the consumer cannot exercise the right of withdrawal provided for in Article VI.47 of the same Code for the delivery of goods manufactured according to the consumer's specifications. The right of withdrawal therefore does not apply to all products supplied by inker.

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